MATHstro™ is a holistic numeracy programme designed to help little ones build a solid mathematical foundation through an engaging and integrated multisensory approach.
Our curriculum is planned to facilitate learning through Exploration, Experimentation and Expression. Children can explore early mathematical concepts through incorporating Montessori inspired materials and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Sensorial experimentation will also nurture the child’s mind towards critical thinking and problem solving. They can also unleash their creativity through paring numerical expression and arts, an integration of left and right brain activities to maximize learning dynamics.
The Mathstro Programme aims to help little ones build a solid mathematical foundation through an integrated multisensory approach. It is a holistic numeracy programme encompassing in areas of exploration, experimentation, and expression to engage young children in constructive learning process.
Early mathematical concepts
The class will usually begin with a presentation from the Teacher. She would present a Montessori inspired material to demonstrate a particular mathematical concept for the day. Teacher would encourage children’s participation in working with the mathematical material to ensure they understood what was being taught. Occasionally, she would start off the lesson with a story or rhyme related to the Mathematics topic for the day.

Age Appropriate Learning
We adopt an age appropriate approach to engage children with visual, interactive and hands-on learning activities that are tailored to each learning level, Wriggly Worms for Playgroup/Nursery One, Trotty Turtle for Nursery Two, Leapy Leopard for Kindergarten One and Soaring Seagull for Kindergarten Two. The names of each level also depicts their learning journey in Early Mathematics beginning with a crawler (Wriggly Worm) to a slow but steady walker (Trotty Turtle) then a fast runner (Leapy Leopard) and finally, soaring into the sky like a Soaring Seagull!
Communication to Parents
Parent Letter:
Issued at the beginning of every term to highlight the concepts and topics covered.
Take Home Sheet:
We also encourage parents’ involvement by conducting suggested home activities for parent-child bonding, which promotes fun mathematical learning beyond classroom.

Children are engaged in Matching Tactile activities to learn the connection of Concrete Learning with Numbers Rods to abstract representation of Numbers.

MATHstro activities will help children make meanings out of Multiplication in a concrete learning experience.

MATHstro activities help children in visualizing from 2D to 3D rendition making conceptualization with shapes possible in empowering the creative processes.

MATHstro activities were designed to integrate Arts and Mathematics, which bring about the integration of left and right brain stimulations to maximize learning dynamics.

MATHstro’ s numeric logic is vital for preschoolers in building strong foundation of mathematical logic. With the introduction of Montessori inspired tactile learning experience, it will further enhance the concrete learning experience with the little ones.

MATHstro expressions in Arts are designed to integrate mathematical logics and arts to maximize left and right brains' dynamism to maximize learning processes.

MATHstro games are created to add engaging dynamics, plus fun to enliven learnings.

Fibonacci Math Art Year End Project
Mathstro adopts the Fibonacci sequence approach for Early Geometry lessons. We
incorporate the Fibonacci sequence of
numbers into work of art.
The Fibonacci sequence of numbers can be found vastly in nature as shown below. The
proportion or ratio in nature
regardless of the patterns and shapes (regular or irregular) would mostly conform to the
Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
Fibonacci Sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,21,34,55………..